Tribute Games, the developer of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, have released a new trailer for its new...
GameFreak released a new trailer for Pokémon X and Pokémon Ys latest character, 'Honedge.' Honedge is a new ghost type/steel edge...
Tragnarion Studios, a gaming studio out of Palma de Mallorca, Spain, set out on a quest to make upgrades to...
Atlus has released a new video showcasing the unveiling of the Shin Megami Tensei IV; Limited Edition pre-order box unveiling....
Lumenox Games, an Indie developer, is currently working on its platformer, Aaru's Awakening. The game is currently part of Steam...
Developer Treyarch has released a new zombie trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2′s ‘Vengeance’ DLC. The new 'Buried'...
Nintendo has released a new trailer for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. You can view the trailer (in Japanese) below:...
The Volge content has been added to the game, Defiance, by developer Trion Worlds. The new content includes the following:...