International games label Team17 and Playtonic Games, the UK studio formed by veterans of the platforming genre, have released a...
In autumn 2016 players can invent crazy constructions Daedalic Entertainment and FAKT Software have released a new teaser trailer at gamescom...
To celebrate the start of gamescom 2016, UK-based studio PaperSeven has today released the first full trailer for their story-driven...
The Death Star Expansion Pack takes the battle to space with a new game mode for Star Wars Battlefront!...
LOS ANGELES (Aug. 17, 2016) -- NieR: Automata, the upcoming action-RPG from SQUARE ENIX and PlatinumGames Inc., will launch on...
Exclusive announcement and exciting news about Daedalic’s current and future lineup in Cologne, Germany At this year’s gamescom, Daedalic thus...
Moenchengladbach, August 17th, 2016 – Today, astragon Entertainment GmbH and weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH are happy to unveil a brand...
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s Zombies Mode Revealed; Activision Celebrates with Unique Call of Duty Experience on the Sony Interactive...