Portland, OR: August 4, 2015: Despite many projects struggling on Kickstarter as of late, Jumpdrive Studios managed to reach their...
Focus Home Interactive and French independent developer studio Enigami introduced RPG Shiness during gamescom 2015. Through the passion and talent of the studio,...
A collectible card game reminiscent of Triple Triad, a first-person shooter inspired by Bioshock, a management game along the...
Wakefield, UK – 30th July 2015 Games industry veteran and independent games label Team17 has today announced its partnership with...
Miniatures board game for indie video game hit The Banner Saga teased at GenCon Austin, TX – July 30,...
The second figure in the series of the popular Hotline Miami game is Biker. The figure is designed by esctoy.com...
New PvP Engagement and Revised Siege Systems Will Be Playable at PAX Prime CHICAGO - July 28, 2015 - Above...
Developer Larkon Studio has released new screenshots and gameplay demo for its first-person-shooter, CivCraft Legends of Ellaria. In addition, the developer announced...