The U.S.S. Shenzhou has arrived in the present day with a bang: the ship appears to be enveloped in a new form...
Award-winning developer and publisher of digital entertainment Telltale Games, along with Marvel Entertainment, is pleased to reveal the launch trailer...
First indie game from Tencent grads explores the tension between preserving tradition and breaking it SHENZHEN - October 4, 2017...
Caravan War, the beautifully illustrated trading adventure by Hiker Games – developer of FZ9: Timeshift – has just entered Beta...
Start your season for free on iOS or Android, find the Season Pass Disc for Xbox One and PS4 at...
LOS ANGELES (Oct. 3, 2017) – MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY fans are in for a treat this month as Meia, the powerful sorceress,...
Exhilarating New App Features Fast-Paced Action, Colorful Character Cast, Special Transformation Abilities and More LOS ANGELES (Oct. 3, 2017) – Mobile...
R2Games teams up with Bruce Lee, LLC to bring late martial arts master to popular MOBA Bruce Lee, the inspiration...