Developer Roll7 has confirmed at PAX East 2014 that OlliOlli will be releasing on July 22 for PS4, PS3 and...
Responding to a fan wanting to know when Titanfall will be available for download for Xbox 360, developer Respawn Entertainment...
Yesterday, developer Firaxis teased a big reveal for today's session at PAX East 2014. Several screenshots and box art have...
Roberts Space Industries demonstrated live Star Citizen dogfighting during PAX East 2014. Take a look at Chris Roberts as he...
Gazillion Entertainment announced the new Marvel Heroes Team-Ups feature. Here is what the developer had to say about the new...
Blizzard has revealed four new characters for Heroes of the Storm at PAX East 2014 today. The four new characters for...
Blizzard has announced the HearthStone: Heroes of Warcraft’s single-player adventure mode, Curse of Naxxramas at PAX East 2014. Hearthstone:...
Tragnarion Studios has given us Scourge: Outbreak codes for the Ambrosia Bundle to give out this weekend. The Ambrosia Bundle...