The Humble Bundle PC and Android 9 came out April 1st and now it has been updated with new titles. ...
Ubisoft has announced its new racer The Crew and released a debut trailer for it. In addition, Ubisoft is offering...
Marvel Entertainment teased a 'Get Ready to Assemble' video for Disney Infinity. Take a look at the Marvel Get Ready to...
In an EA and Waystone Games press release that was sent to us this morning, it was announced that Dawngate,...
EA and developer Maxis have announced that the SimCity servers are currently offline due to server maintenance. No game changes...
Developer Dennaton Games has released a new PS4 video for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. Take a look at the...
Bethesda Softworks has released a new gameplay video 'Nowhere to Run' for Wolfenstein: The New Order. Here is what the developer had...
BioWare is currently rolling out Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 2.7, Invasion, which was announced a few days ago....