The first video released in a series of three, Metro: Last Light - Ranger Survival Guide prepares players for their...
To help celebrate Scourge Outbreak's first week, Tragnarion Studios released a new timeline photo on their FaceBook page.Below is the...
If you pre-ordered SWTOR's Rise of the Hutt Cartel by January 7, 2013, you will be able to start playing...
BitComposer Games released Thunder Wolves' trailer. Thunder Wolves is an arcade-type helicopter game and includes the following: 13 missions in...
Bethesda just rolled out the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Patch 1.9 for the Xbox. Below you can check out the...
Ubisoft has released a new Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag video showcasing the artwork of famed artist Todd McFarlane. In...
Irrational Games' tweeted a new Bioshock Infinite 'Murder of Crows' art, where you can see Elizabeth gracefully collecting coins and...
The US Army is enlisting Beta Testers for it's America's Army Proving Grounds Game. Here is what the US Army...