Warner Bros. and Avanalanche Studios have released a new Stronghold trailer for Mad Max. The new video shows a glimpse into the various fortified...
Square Enix has released a new gamescom 2015 teaser for Final Fantasy XV. The new video will be released in full tonight at 11:00...
Step into the Rift - First Person Exploration Virtual Reality Adventure, P.O.L.L.E.N, Coming to PC, Mac, Linux, HTC Vive, Oculus...
Cambridge, Mass. – August 3rd, 2015 – Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. (“Harmonix”) and Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. (“Mad Catz”) (NYSE MKT/ TSX:...
Capcom has announced that Vega, the Spanish Ninja, will be joining the Street Fighter V roster. Attendees at gamescom this week...
Independent game developer 10tons Ltd. announced that upcoming top-down cyberpunk shooter Neon Chrome is headed to gamescom, as well as released a...
The grand finale in Rockstar Games' lineup of GTA Online Double GTA$ & RP Heist bonuses kicks off today and lasts...
Bandai Namco Entertainment has announced that J-Stars Victory VS+, the biggest manga and anime brawler, is now available on PS Vita...