SYDNEY, NSW – Infliction, the psychological horror game from Caustic Reality and Blowfish Studios that explores the darkness haunting the remnants of a suburban...
PlayStation The ruthless, Nazi-slaying blood of Blazkowicz runs through BJ’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph, as they search for their...
MONTREAL — Tribes of Midgard, the cooperative survival game from Norsfell where up to 10 players fiercely fight Giants during Ragnarök,... Bordeaux - Manufacture 43, a France Indie developer, releases today the color rippling, Rock-Paper-Scissors styled, challenging, eye-popping, adrenalin shooter,... LIVERPOOL, UK - Independent developer, Lucid Games, have announced the first Switchblade Battle Pass for Steam PC and PlayStation 4, as well... SAN FRANCISCO — Today, Ubisoft announced the launch of Episode 1 – D.C. Outskirts: Expeditions for Tom Clancy's The Division 2....
Rockstar Games is happy to announce that rewards are aplenty this week across the frontier of Red Dead Online, with a bonus... SAN FRANCISCO — Today, Ubisoft announced that the Jormungandr, a new feral warrior, will be joining the Viking Faction of...