After the success of The Surge, the hardcore Action RPG released in May 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and...
Rising Star Games to Publish Image & Form's Highly-Acclaimed Title Across the USA, Europe and Beyond in Spring 2018, Complete...
BERGEN, Norway, February 7, 2018 - Pardam, capital city and crown jewel of Mesmer, is approaching boiling point. Inequality has...
Founder's Pack owners can now start ahead of the launch with exclusive vehicles and goodies The time has come to...
Ubisoft has released a developer diary for Steep Road to the Olympics featuring professional Olympic athletes push themselves to the...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce that it’s Battle Week on GTA Online, which means massive bonuses across multiple modes, an...
Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late, co-developed by Ecole Software and French-Bread, is a welcome addition to the 2D fighting game...
Wrocław, Poland - Techland, a leading developer and publisher of video games, is proud to communicate that it’s been three years...