Sony Japan Studio has released a new trailer for its puzzler, Rain, showcasing two silhouettes. This time, the boy and...
Infinity Ward has released a new trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts, showcasing an exclusive weapon camo that comes with...
Namco Bandai has released two new gameplay videos for Tales of Xillia, which showcase Leia and Rowen doing battle. You...
Rising Star Games's Killer is Dead Premium Edition has a reversible cover as well as lots of digital extras.While the...
Disney Infinity has released a new trailer showcasing toy box racing.When you get the Disney Infinity Starter Pack and discover...
Ubisoft's platformer Rayman Legends will be releasing on PS Vita and PS3 later on this year with exclusive features. You...
The Bethesda Blog has begun its pre-E3 roundup, starting with The Evil Within, the survival-horror game in development from their...
Codemaster's racing game Grid 2 has received its first scores.Below are the scores: CVG – 7God is a Geek –...