Daylight is Zombie Studios' psychological thriller. The video below shows the Unreal Engine 4 powered game running. The developer says...
Jack and Daxter has been rated for the PlayStation Vita by the ESRB. The ESRB's rating summary for the game seems to...
Defiance is a futuristic online open-world shooter where thousands of players scour a transformed Earth competing for alien technology.Players can...
Pat Reading, Splinter Cell: Blacklist Game Director walks us through the campaign level Abandoned Mill.He highlights the three different play...
The Wii U "Director's Cut" of Deus Ex: Human Revolution features improved graphics, AI, boss battles and making the game's...
Blizzard has released a new trailer at the PAX East showing how Diablo 3 will look when it comes to...
As revealed at the PAX East today, the next Call of Duty game will be called "Call of Duty: Ghosts"...
Capcom announced today at PAX East that a new Mega Man game is in development.Brett Elston, Capcom’s Community Manager stated...