As the only continuation of the story from the wildly popular Afro Samurai series, Redacted Studios' Afro Samurai 2 (in...
Developer Rocksteady Studios has released the launch trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight. Batman: Arkham Knight releases tomorrow, June 23 for PS4, Xbox One and...
The Sony PlayStation 4 Ultimate Player 1TB Edition is coming July 15, 2015. The new PS4 offers twice the storage...
Evolution Studios has released the Nissan MY15 GT-R PS4 gameplay preview for the DRIVECLUB RPM Expansion Pack. Take a look at the footage...
Acclaimed game-development studio Dontnod Entertainment and publisher Focus Home Interactive are pleased to officially announce their partnership for the development of Vampyr,...
Developer Ubisoft revealed Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands during E3 2015 in Los Angeles. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is the first military shooter...
Evolution Studios has released a new DRIVECLUB video featuring the McLaren 570S. The McLaren 570S will be joining DRIVECLUB on June 30...
Turtle Rock Studios and 2K Games have announced Hunting Season 2 for Evolve, which includes 4 hunters, 1 monster and 5 exclusive skins. Evolve Season 2...