EA has announced that Amy Hennig, (former writer and creative director of the Uncharted franchise), has joined Visceral Games as...
Infinity Ward has released a patch for both Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions of Call of Duty: Ghosts, on...
In order to celebrate tomorrow's launch of The Elder Scrolls: Online, Bethesda released a 'By the Numbers' infographic. Take a...
Developer Frictional Games has released a new and terrifying underwater video for SOMA. You can take a look at the latest...
Tribute Games frantic 2D action game Mercenary Kings has been rated M for Mature by the Australian Classification Board. The...
The Australian Classification Board has rated EA Sports' UFC with a MA 15+. The rating stated that UFC has "Strong...
Bethesda has announced that you can now get The Elder Scrolls Online original game soundtrack on iTunes. Below are...
NIS America confirmed that Natural Doctrine will release in North America and Europe this year for PS4, PS3 and PS...