In development by Avalanche Studios, Mad Max is an open world, third-person action game where players become Mad Max, a...
Last week we announced that Activision’s Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Premiere will begin today at 10:30AM PDT/1:30PM EDT/ 18:30...
Ubisoft has released a new video showcasing the unboxing of Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag - "Buccaneer Edition." Here is...
Ubisoft has released their latest sixth episode of Behind the Scenes, focusing on Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and their...
EA and developer Dice have released new gameplay footage (in French)for Battlefield 4, titled 'Total War'' In addition, the trailer...
Developer Dice and EA have relaesed a new Q&A for Battlefield 4 discussing vehicular combat. The developer describes the all...
Sony has announced that PS4 titles will be playable during this year's Eurogame Expo. In addition, players will have the...
Geomeric has released a new demo, showing off its next-gen Enlighten tech that adds dynamic lighting to games such as...