Slender: The Arrival is a 1st person horror game by developer Blue Isle Studios. In it, you attempt to avoid...
Dragon Quest Builders 2, developed by Square Enix and Omega Force, is a game that demolished my expectations. With amazing...
Samurai Shodown for Xbox One is an epic online fighting game from SNK that might soon become your next addiction....
Some of the most addicting games I’ve played have been bullet hells, even dating all the way back to Galaga....
Framed in pastiche, brimming with memes, and chock-full of ideological folly, the philosophic power struggle of the Cold War era...
If you've ever dreamed of piloting a Mech and/or role playing an episode of Evangelion this is as close as...
*Climbs out of escape hatch again* Hello again! Now, if you’re wondering what happened last time, let’s just say, I...
Everything in life seems to be circular. Classic fashions come back into style; remakes, sequels or reboots of classic TV...