Hiker Games, the developer of the upcoming PC game Toy Odyssey (previously known as “ToyQuest”) is releasing two high-quality mobile...
Thirty-minute documentary explores intersection of humanity and technology, challenging the notion of what it means to be human Exploration of...
Stone Blade Entertainment in partnership with Temple Gates Games has announced that Ascension VR, the first deckbuilding Virtual Reality experience on the...
Major Nelson (Larry Hyrb) of Xbox will serve as the guest judge for a Halo-themed episode of the Food Network show Cake...
Songs from Counting Crows and Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell to join Rock Band this week BOSTON, MA – AUGUST 1, 2016...
Wroclaw, Poland - August 1st, 2016 - Techland Publishing is proud to announce it's bringing to life its own farming...
Outplay Entertainment has been shortlisted for Growth Champion of the Year for the 2016 Growth Investor Awards. The Growth Champion award...
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Summers are packed with fun activities, whether going to the beach, taking a road trip with the...