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Chains of Domination Update in World of Warcraft Online Game

An overview of new content in World of Warcraft after the release of the Chains of Domination patch – the continuation of the story of the Shadowlands, the start of the second Arena and Mythic+ dungeons season. 

World of Warcraft’s Chain of Domination Major Update Released 

In the middle of summer, Blizzard released the Chain of Domination update, in which players learned the conclusion of the Sylvanas Windrunner story and the fate of the Shadowlands. Together with the new patch, the second season of mythic dungeons and the arena has started in the game, the Sanctum of Domination raid, the Tazavesh Secret Market mega-dungeon and many new achievements, mounts and toys have appeared in the game. The Adventure Guide is, again, filled with new content that promises players dozens of sleepless nights they’ll spend getting new achievements. 

Chains of Domination Update in World of Warcraft Online Game


Ranks, unique sets and mounts that were issued for the challenge arena remained in your collection, but the rating points were reset. Fans of the PvP direction will again have to take up arms to prove to their opponents who is the real “gladiator” here. With the receipt of the coveted points, the game will reward you with new sets and skins for vehicles. 

Sanctum of Domination 

In the new raid, players will have to travel to the heart of the Maw and face the most dangerous minions of the Jailer. The final boss will be the infamous Sylvanas Windrunner. For completing the raid in Heroic mode, players will receive the “A Hero of His Time” achievement. The achievement for killing Sylvanas on Mythic difficulty is called “On the Edge of the Blade”. Also, the unique mount “Reins of Vengeance” drops from the last boss on Mythic difficulty. 

Mythic dungeons 

With the start of Season 2 in mythic dungeons, starting from Keystone level 10, a new affix “Tormented” appeared. Instead of Manifestations of Pride, players will have to fight the servants of the Maw, who, after defeat, offer the participants the power of the anima. This mechanic came straight from Torghast. Another good news for key players was that the mod announced a collaboration with Blizzard, and now rating points are displayed in the game without an addon. The developers have increased the difficulty of Mythic+ and reworked some modifiers. WoW mythic boost will help solve the problem of getting difficult achievements. This is professional help in character development, achievements, leveling up and getting rare rewards that you won’t get any more next season. If you don’t have a lot of free time or just don’t want to spend it on boring grind, it’s best to use the services of experienced boosters. At an end, you get the desired result and access to high-level content. 

Tazavesh, the Veiled Market 

The mega dungeons are no longer new to World of Warcraft. Prior to this one, the developers added Mechagon in BfA, which also consisted of 8 bosses, as in a full-fledged raid. The heroes of Azeroth will get to know the broker cartels better by heading to the Tazavesh Market. So far, the dungeon is available in Normal and Heroic difficulty modes, but later the developers plan to split it into two parts and include it in the Mythic plus roster just like they did in BfA. 

New achievements 

In Korthia, a new location, the developers left a lot of Easter eggs, toys and new skins for vehicles for enthusiasts. To collect them, you will have to spend more than one week, but this is the beauty of World of Warcraft. The game is over 15 years old, and the most dedicated fans still can’t earn all the achievements. The new add-on will feature more than 20 unique mounts, achievements for completing the Sanctum of Domination raid, arena skins, and much more. 

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