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Cities XXL Teaser Trailer by Focus Home Interactive

Developer Focus Home Interactive has announced the addition to the Cities XL franchise with Cities XXL.
Cities XXL is a bigger, better city builder pushing the city limits to the edge of your imagination, as seen in the stunning world reveal trailer. Running on a vastly improved game engine, Cities XXL offers classic and extended city-building content, including over 1000+ buildings, 70+ maps including new landscapes and environments, and ecological features making Cities XXL the ‘greenest’ Cities XL game yet.
Cities XXL Teaser Trailer by Focus Home Interactive
As you’ll see in the video, Cities XXL lets you design and build a sprawling metropolis across many different landscapes and maps, with varying available resources – from oil to fertile farm land – to keep the denizens of your city content. Featuring four classes of citizens spanning four densities of housing, you’ll watch as your cosmopolitan paradise grows from a quiet suburban town to huge economic powerhouse.

With varying road-sizes, including curved roads, bridges, and tunnels unlocked from the start, you’ll be able to plan the entrance to your city and its layout before you start plotting its city-scape. As it grows, take advantage of a unique richly detailed street-level view, and meet the citizens as they drive to work, ski, play basketball, or even parachute of the top of towers in unprecedented detail for the genre.
Now with Steam Workshop support and streamlined modding, it has never been easier and quicker to share and download user-created content for a Cities XL game. With Cities XXL, you’ll be able to use widely available free tools online to create your content and upload it to the Steam Workshop, for all players to download it right through Steam!
To find out why Cities XXL helps you to build a bigger, better world, see the feature break-down below:
  • Over 70 huge maps across multiple terrains and landscapes, from the tropics to the mountains and all in between.
  • Region specific roads to match your country: French, English, German, etc.
  • Over 1000 buildings, many with civilian activity animations to enjoy at street level
  • Greener options for the environment conscious, such as the park and ride, bike hire, and ability to upgrade industrial buildings to reduce emissions
  • Unprecedented detail for the city builder genre, with multiple sky-boxes to choose from and a dynamic time-of-day
  • Steam Workshop support to easily create, share and download new content

Cities XXL will be coming soon to PC.

Related: Mordheim: City of the Damned Teaser Trailer

Source: FocusInteractive

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