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Claymore Game Studios is Hiring! Begins Work on New COMMANDOS

Claymore Game Studios is Hiring! Begins Work on New COMMANDOS

Ridgewood, NJ – Kalypso Media Group has announced today that its third internal game development studio, Claymore Game Studios, has begun production of a next-generation installment in the Commandos strategy series. Claymore Game Studios is named after the first successful Commando mission ‘Operation Claymore’ in 1941. Based in the town of Darmstadt, a tech hub in Germany near the city of Frankfurt, with good housing, an array of public transport links and recreational activities.

A core team of senior developers, led by Studio Director Jürgen Reusswig, is busy fleshing out the foundations of the game and Kalypso Media is looking to fill the other ranks, giving committed senior personnel the chance to work on the latest addition to the classic series. Candidates experienced in the fields of level and mission design as well as UI/UX experts, VFX-artists, animation specialists, 3D generalists and those familiar with the Unreal Engine are encouraged to apply via the jobs section of the Kalypso Media Website.

Simon Hellwig, founder and CEO of the Kalypso Media Group, said:

“I am very happy that the starting-phase of our new internal studio and the new Commandos is on time. We are on track to deliver the best possible Commandos game and will put in all effort to create a great game experience for PC and next-gen consoles, worthy of the franchise’s heritage.”

Claymore Game Studios is Hiring! Begins Work on New COMMANDOS
Studio Director Jürgen Reusswig

Claymore Game Studios Director Jürgen Reusswig adds:

“We are very pleased to confirm that we managed to have both the core team and our new offices up-and-running within this short timeframe. We have started development and we’re looking forward to adding more talented staff to our team in the coming months and thereby offering the chance to become an integral part of making an iconic strategy game.”

Recruitment for the new studio is underway, with positions being advertised on relevant recruitment sites as well as

Related: Commandos 2 – HD Remaster Review for Steam

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