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CLOCKWORK Releases New Grindtown Gameplay Trailer

CLOCKWORK Releases New Grindtown Gameplay Trailer

Gamesoft debuts playable media preview build of highly-anticipated time-based platformer, Clockwork

Sydney, Australia – September 1, 2016 – Gamesoft’s debut game, Clockwork, is nearing completion and is due for release on the Steam Store in the coming weeks. The developer released a new video in which Grindtown, the opening area of the game, is showcased. In this subterranean region of Watchtower, Atto learns the basics of time manipulation and encounters many residents (not to mention plenty of duplicates of himself) in this glowing, industrial area.

Here is the new Clockwork Grindtown Gameplay Trailer:

Clockwork will launch at just US$19.95 – with an additional 20% discount for all players who purchase the game during the first week when it launches on PC and Mac on Steam in Q3 2016.

Related: Clockwork Steam Store Page Now Live, New Gameplay Video

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