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Comic Book Publisher Goes High Tech

Hashtag Comics to Utilize New Startup Pre-Order Technology

Hashtag Comics, a new publisher based in the DC Metro Area, is utilizing the engine of a Silicon Valley startup to do mini-crowdfunding ventures for each of it’s comic books.

Pre-Orders as Crowdfunding

In this digital age, Hashtag has all of its books available online through Kindle and Comixology. In order to not alienate the clientele that enjoy reading a paper book, Hashtag intends to sell both online and in stores. However, printing comics on a per-issue basis simply isn’t financially viable for small businesses.

In a search for a business model that allowed for sufficient profit margins, Hashtag CEO Drew Crowder looked high and low for options to allow for pre-ordering and eventually found a crowdfunding startup that had recently created a pre-order app.

Buyers will purchase the book through the pre-order tabs on the shop page of Hashtag Comics, then once sufficient orders are placed, the widget automatically charges the cards and begins the print/ship process.

Source: Press Release

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I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.

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