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COMMUNITY INC Serene City Builder Announced by tinyBuild GAMES, Playable at E3

COMMUNITY INC Serene City Builder Announced by tinyBuild GAMES, Playable at E3

tinyBuild GAMES is super excited to announce Community Inc, a game about building a village in a surreal, serene world filled with enchanting creatures. It plays like a merge between Sims and SimCity. You get into the micro management level of each and every NPC, and need to monitor their individual stats — all the while building a thriving community, and figuring out if you want to be fighting creatures around you, or make mutually beneficial deals.

Community Inc will be showcased at E3 on Wednesday June 14, 7-11pm at The Mix Showcase. The Open alpha will start right after E3.

The Steam page is now up and running so head on over there to check out more information about the game.

Watch the Community Inc Announcement Trailer:

Community Inc will be available for PC on Steam this Summer.

Related: SpeedRunners by tinyBuild GAMES Now Out on Xbox One, Free Today on Xbox One and Steam

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