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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Patch, No Season Pass

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive received its latest patch today (see full patch notes below). All traces of a rumored season pass are gone from the patch notes. In addition, the update has Hostage Mode tweaks.

Here are the full patch notes:

  • Added new Hostage Rescue map cs_militia
  • Update Hostage Rescue Mode rules
  • Hostage positions are randomly assigned at the beginning of the match. The hostages will start at these positions for the entire match.
  • Hostages are now carried by CTs instead of following behind.
  • Hold +use for 4 seconds to pick up a hostage. (Equipping a rescue kit will decrease the time required to 1 second.)
  • CTs win a round when the first hostage is rescued.
  • Reduced round timer. Round time is extended when the first hostage has been picked up.
  • Rebalanced money rewards to accommodate new rules.
  • Hostages now indicate whether they are above or below you on the radar.
  • cs_office, cs_assault, and cs_italy have updated to use random hostage spawn points.
  • Added convars to modify new hostage rules
    • mp_hostages_max – Sets the maximum number of hostages to spawn.
    • mp_hostages_rescuetime – Setting 0 removes the time extension when CTs pick up the first hostage.
    • mp_hostages_spawn_farthest – Setting 1 forces hostage spawn points to choose be the farthest possible combinations.
    • mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions – Setting a comma separate list (ex: 0,2 ) forces specific hostage spawn point combinations.
    • mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round – Setting 0 randomizes the hostage spawn points every round.
    • mp_hostages_takedamage – Setting 0 allows hostages to be hurt.
  • Added hostage entity properties for new hostage rules
    • HostageSpawnRandomFactor – Allows to increase probability of hostage random spawning rules to use that spawn point.
    • HostageSpawnExclusionGroupN – Hostages sharing same spawn exclusion group will never spawn together.
  • The action of defusing a bomb will now terminate when you turn your view too far from facing the bomb.
  • Players always play a quiet client-side jump sound that can only be heard by the jumper.
  • Players play the regular jump (step) sound when moving greater than walk speed that can be heard by both the jumper and all clients in earshot.
  • The timer that performs the random map selection visuals now properly gets killed when the scoreboard hides.
  • Fixed convar mp_weapons_allow_map_place not properly eliminating map-placed weapons. NOTE: FY servers will need to set this convar to 1.
  • Added an option to func_dustmotes entity volumes that lets them choose to not be affected by wind.
  • Fixed in-game clipping for triple-monitor rendering configurations.
  • Added overtime indicator to GOTV spectators miniscoreboard.
  • Radar should now correctly follow spectated player when spectating via GOTV.
  • Adjusted score and MVP rewards for gameplay events related to planting, defending and defusing the bomb, and for reaching, protecting and extracting hostages.
  • Steam overlay game details will now correctly show players score.
  • Fixed special characters of player name not correctly displaying in some UI elements.
  • Fixed a bug where friends were banned from joining parties where one of the members failed to recently accept a competitive match.
  • Are you looking forward to playing Counter Strike with the new tweaks?

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