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The Counting Kingdom Headed to PAX Prime

In a press release sent to Gaming Cypher this morning, developer Little Worlds Interactive announced that its award-winning math stratregy game, The Counting Kingdom, is headed to PAX Prime 2014.

The Counting Kingdom Headed to PAX Prime



Little Worlds Interactive will show the math-based tower defense game at the Seattle game convention as part of the hand-selected PAX 10 lineup

BOSTON, MA: Independent game studio Little Worlds Interactive founder Jenna Hoffstein will be at PAX Prime this weekend demoing her company’s strategic math game “The Counting Kingdom”. Combining challenging math puzzles with strategic tower defense gameplay, “The Counting Kingdom” is a family-friendly game available for PC/Mac on Steam and coming to mobile platforms later this fall.

“The Counting Kingdom” was selected as part of PAX Prime’s PAX 10 showcase of indie games by a group of 50 industry experts. On preparing to show in Seattle at one of the game industry’s largest fan-oriented events, Hoffstein said, “As the creator of an educational game with the goal of learning through fun and challenge, I am so proud to represent and share my work at a show with the size, scope, and attendance of PAX Prime!”

Built with the Unity game engine, “The Counting Kingdom” has received praise, prize awards, and positive coverage since its early development stages. In a recent review, author Bryan Edge-Salois wrote, “The Counting Kingdom is an excellent game for all ages and one that I have little doubt will help youngsters with number manipulation and basic math skills. Adults may enjoy its simple math-based mechanics for the layer of depth it adds to what is an entertaining tower defense game in its own right.”

“The Counting Kingdom” is currently available on Steam with a planned iOS launch coming in Fall 2014. Hoffstein and “The Counting Kingdom” will have a PAX Prime table as part of the 2014 PAX 10, and will be showcasing the game on Dell computers.

Gaming Cypher will be at PAX Prime so stay tuned for great coverage!

Related: The Counting Kingdom Launches on Steam, Trailer and Screenshots

Source: Press Release

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