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COUPLE GAME Exciting New Trivia Game by iPassion ApS for Getting to Know Your Partner Now Out on Mobile

AARHUS, Denmark – Just in time for Valentine’s Day, iPassion ApS has released their trivia app, Couple Game, for iOS and Android. The innovative app gives partners a unique, fun and insightful way to get to know each other in a trivia meets date night format.

Couple Game, the perfect mobile app to include alongside those Valentine’s Day plans, gives couples an exciting way to learn more about their partner with a little healthy competition. The game has each partner setup questions for the other to answer, with the winner selecting a unique prize to be rewarded such as a massage, night on the town, breakfast in bed etc. The app includes a private real-time chat feature and stores all quiz answers to help the partner better keep memory of each other’s preferences.

Couple Game is now free to download on iOS and Android devices, and helps reveal traits about each other that they may otherwise not have known. The interactive app is first downloaded individually by each partner, which they then select from 20 different packs with a variety of topics. Couple Game includes the three free packs “Sex & Intimacy,” “Looks & Beauty,” and “Leisure & Vacation” along with other packs added to the game weekly to keep things fresh and interesting. Each additional pack is available for only .99 cents and examples of packs currently available via the latest update include:

“Looks & Beauty” – What does the partner like regarding makeup, hair, scents etc.

“Date Night” – Preferences for date activities, locations etc

“Sex & Intimacy” – What does the partner really enjoy, want to try

“Music” – Does one really know their partner’s taste in music?

“With the success of our other app iPassion, we saw that many couples really did get better relationships by quizzing each other about their wants, needs and preferences,” says iPassion ApS founder J. Martin Moeller. “Sometimes we forget to note those little details, and Couple Game helps spark conversations in all the topics we can relate to.”

Couple Game is available in 8 languages and is now available via the iOS App Store and Google Play.

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