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Daymare: 1998 3rd Person Survival Horror Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Daymare: 1998 3rd Person Survival Horror Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Daymare: 1998 coming on Playstation 4 and Xbox One with addition of a fixed camera mode. Resident Evil golden age Producers support the project on Kickstarter!

Shortly after the beginning of the Kickstarter campaign, which has so far gained over 500 backers, Invader Studios it’s excited to reveal two huge surprises linked to their third person survival horror Daymare: 1998.

The first will make console players happy – in addition to the Steam PC version, Daymare: 1998 will make its way to Playstation 4 and Xbox One, ensuring the game can be enjoyed on a variety of systems.

Daymare: 1998 3rd Person Survival Horror Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

The Invader team said:

“Following the brilliant start of the Kickstarter campaign of Daymare: 1998, we are extremely grateful to all the people that put their trust in us and are supporting us in an unbelievable way, we received unexpected support that allows us to put the console version in to the initial goal. This make us happy to address the many fans who asked us for a PS4/Xbox One version in the initial hours of the Kickstarter campaign “.

Daymare: 1998 3rd Person Survival Horror Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

But this is not all. Following the nostalgic feeling of the game, the Invader Studios team is also revealing a fixed camera mode that will give all the old school survival horror fans something to look forward to. In addition to the support of the Capcom legends, that have worked on the most important Resident Evil games, like K. Aoyama (Director of Resident Evil 3: NEMESIS) and S. Nakai (enemy designer of the Resident Evil saga), the fixed camera mode is completing the circle that begun in the 90’s.

Watch the Daymare: 1998 Kickstarter Cinematic Launch Video:

You can help support Daymare: 1998  on Kickstarter right now.

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