Gaming Cypher

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Dead Island 2’s Second Story Expansion, SoLA, is Heading to PC, Xbox, and PlayStation in April

The second story expansion of Dead Island 2, called SoLA, will be available on April 17 for Xbox and PlayStation, and PC via the Epic Games Store. In this expansion, players will have a chance to experience the ultimate Californian music festival, SoLA, which is built upon ancient grounds. However, chaos has been unleashed by a psychedelic beat that stalks the heart of LA’s final rave. This has left behind nothing but a rotting crater of gore and a malevolent presence that haunts the shadows. Despite the devastation, something is still out there, and it’s hungry.

Dead Island 2’s Second Story Expansion, SoLA, is Heading to PC, Xbox, and PlayStation in April

Dead Island 2 SoLA Expansion Key Features:

  • New Storyline – A deadly virus is spreading through The Valley, turning the locals into zombies. Meanwhile, an eerie rhythm is calling from beyond, known as the Autophage beat. Players are being drawn to the festival by a cryptic warning message, and they must venture into the ruins of SoLA to confront this supernatural threat and put a stop to it.
  • New Location – A music festival in the heart of LA that’s filled with gore and horror, and is so intense that it threatens to turn the living into zombies. The festival is driven by The Beat, a powerful force that could potentially spread beyond the city and affect the entire world.
  • New Enemies – A new apex variant enemy named the Whipper has been introduced. This enemy has been driven mad with self-loathing by the Autophage, causing them to develop a compulsion to self-mutilate. As a result, they have become a horrific nightmare of disemboweled intestines, enabling them to attack from a distance. Another new unsettling apex zombie, the Clotter, can decompose into a revolting pile of gore, making it immune to damage in that form. It can then reform elsewhere to continue the fight. The Clotter has the ability to fire a powerful jet of putrid blood from its heart, making it deadly both up close and at a distance.
  • New Legendary Weapons – If you want to fight the undead, you may find the Ripper useful. It is a combination of a baseball bat and a circular saw that can be used to dismember the undead. Another option is the Sawblade Launcher, which can shoot rotary sawblades. This heavy weapon is perfect for long-range decapitation and dismemberment.

Dead Island 2 is now available on PlayStation (Check out our PS5 Review!), Xbox, and PC via the Epic Games Store. SoLA is set to launch on April 17 on the same platforms.

Related: DEAD ISLAND 2 Review for PlayStation 5

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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