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Defiance – Patch to Release Soon

Defiance’s Executive Producer, Nathan Richardsson announced that a patch for all platforms is being worked on right now to address game problems. The PC patch already came out April 3rd.

Here are the main issues currently:

  • Game Server Crashes – Let’s be sure to not confuse these with us taking down the server to apply updates. This is totally different and started getting much worse, especially for XBOX in the last 24 hours. You will experience this as disconnects but just tonight, it has ended with full server crashes. Twice. No amount of whiskey, dances of tango or foxtrot can fully convey our (calm professional  rage and frustration over this.
  • FKN LAAAAG – Icelandic technical term which usually translates quite well to most other languages for some reason. This started showing up yesterday when scaling up certain platforms well beyond anything we’ve had before and we ran into glass ceilings. We don’t like lag. We hate lag. So we respond to it fast. You should also note that lag manifests itself for many reasons, ranging from networking to game servers. So especially if you are on XBOX, grab whiskey and take a dance or two, the game server problem above is causing this as well.
  • Patching woes – If you are experiencing this it’s for very different reasons. It’s depending on platform and location which is why we’ve been working with our content distribution networks and service providers to address this, identify where it’s happening etc. There is a thread here you can contribute your information to which will help us. If you can’t patch, you can’t enter the game and play. That’s like batshit level serious for us. We want you ingame just as much as we do. And it’s not just so we can stalk you while cloaked. Honest.
  • Client crashes – Like, 120hz. And others. We’re already deploying some of these out. We don’t like these crashes. The reason this steps into this list is that after these two days, we got enough information from you to identify and summarily fix certain crashes. You see, we often rely as much on your feedback as we do on our internal testing, because we like to listen to you (especially when you are in a good mood) and our internal testing never comes close to all of you hammering our code when you’re playing.

Some other notable things which you should keep in mind:

  • Pre-order items and other keys – If you haven’t gotten your pre-order items or are having problems with your key not giving access. Make sure that where you bought it, you got all your codes. This can be the pre-order code (sometimes on your receipt), your game access code, third extras code and the code for launching nuclear missiles. In case it’s the last one, please contact your nearest police station as you might be in trouble. In case of the other ones, make sure you enter all your codes.
  • Link your Console Account – There were problems both with the Arkhunter website and the account linking but that should now be solved. Head over to account linking to claim your rewards! Like most items, such as pre-order, you claim them ingame afterwards in the store.
  • Try out Shadow Wars and PVP maps – This should not all be about what’s wrong or sadness. If you are one of the very very very many that are ingame and not experiencing the issues above, this message is for you; try it out and let us know. If you don’t like it or can’t, please, also let us know. Our interest in high velocity impacts to grin area and vicinity is considerable.

You can check out the game trailer here.

Have you experienced any of the above problems?

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