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Destiny: Rising Closed Alpha Review

Destiny: Rising, is an upcoming mobile game based on Bungie’s IP Destiny, and currently has no estimated release date yet. We tried out the closed alpha for Destin Rising.
Destiny Rising does a solid job of bringing the Destiny feel to your phone. The shooting and special abilities work well, and it looks pretty impressive for a mobile game. You’ll see big areas to explore that remind players of the first Destiny game.

There’s plenty to do from the start. You can go on missions called Strikes, explore in Patrol mode, team up with five other players for a big activity, and even try a challenging mode through a character named Xur. The game also has a cool clan system where you can upgrade a shared space and do things like “Bitcoin farming” for rewards.

Some things in Destiny Rising are actually better than in Destiny 2. The screen shows more useful information, like exact health numbers. It’s easier for new players to get started, and finding a team to play with is built right into the game.

Destiny: Rising Closed Alpha Review

Instead of creating your own character like in the main Destiny games, you play as pre-made heroes. Each hero has their own special skills and can only use certain weapons. This is different from what Destiny fans are used to. The story and dialogue aren’t great. The voice acting sounds robotic and temporary, which doesn’t help. The game tries to mix medieval and futuristic themes, but it doesn’t always work and can feel a bit silly.

As a free mobile game, Destiny Rising has ways to make money that some players don’t like. You can spend real money to get new characters, join a subscription, buy a premium pass for extra items, or even boost your chances of getting good loot. This can definitely create a pay-to-win wall for players.

Destiny Rising shows promise as a mobile shooter game. It plays well and looks good for a phone game. However, it’s quite different from the main Destiny games in how characters work. The story needs improvement, and some players are concerned about how the game tries to make money. Keep in mind this was just an early test. The developers have time to make changes before the game fully launches. They’ll need to work on the story and think carefully about how they charge players to make sure Destiny Rising can compete with other mobile games.

Overall, it’s an interesting take on Destiny for mobile, but it might appeal to a different crowd than the usual Destiny fans.

For more information, and to pre-register for the Closed Alpha, visit HERE

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