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DOLMEN Needs Your Support on Kickstarter with 5 Days Left, New Dev Video

DOLMEN Needs Your Support on Kickstarter with 5 Days Left, New Dev Video

With just under a week left of their crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, Massive Work Studio — the Brazilian development team behind cosmic horror Action RPG, DOLMEN — wraps up their weekly “Behind the Scenes” series with an inside look at not only what it takes to create a game, but what it looks like to be a part of a development team.

Producer Pedro Bastos says, “I don’t think there is a big game out there that wasn’t born from a crazy idea.” In DOLMEN’s case, that couldn’t be more true! In the beginning, the small group of friends that would become Massive Work Studio had naysayers telling them to “start with a simple game,” but that just wasn’t an option for the team. They dreamt of DOLMEN and DOLMEN coalesced. Still, the team at Massive Work Studio faced their fair share of uphill battles.

DOLMEN Needs Your Support on Kickstarter with 5 Days Left, New Dev Video

The team began with an idea — a game they wanted to bring to life and call their own. Now, over a year and a Kickstarter campaign later, Massive Work has created not only something that they own, but a project that everyone who had faith in it owns. The team has seen employees come and go, but at its core, Massive Work Studio has remained steadfast in what they wanted DOLMEN to be: something wonderfully unique for all to enjoy and have a hand in creating.

Check Out the Dolmen Sci-Fi Soulsborne Genre Dev Diary:

Once developer Massive Work Studio reaches their initial $90,000 funding goal, DOLMEN will be available on Windows PC, Xbox One and PS4 in late 2019. (A Nintendo Switch version is an early stretch goal.) To learn more about DOLMEN and its Kickstarter campaign, please visit here.

Related: DOLMEN has Two Weeks Left on Kickstarter, Releases New Video

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I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.

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