Today Rockstar Games is happy to announce a brand-new set of bonuses and incentives within GTA Online. Going on now through Thursday March 10th, all Versus Missions will award double GTA$ and RP to players, win or lose. Versus Missions are easily selectable via the GTA Online pause menus or players can Bookmark them via Social Club using the links below.
Along with the double GTA$ and RP from playing Versus Missions, players can maximize double RP in Freemode for flying under bridges and for completing lessons at the San Andreas Flight School. Players can find all Versus Missions easily via the GTA Online pause menus or Bookmark them via Social Club using the links below:
Acquire Targets I, II, III | Air Force Zero I, II, III, IV, V | Airport Parking | Crooked Cop | G-Rating (Cold) I, II, III, IV, V | G-Rating (Hot) I, II, III, IV, V | Hippy Hunting| Into The Wild | Roadgame | Top Fun, II, III | Truck Off | Weed Killer | Welcoming Party
- 50% off Flight Suits & Flight Caps
- 25% off all Combat Helicopters
- 25% off all Private Jets
- 25% off all Automatic Rifles
- 25% off Homing Missile Launchers & Ammo
Players can launch directly into the double GTA$ & RP Versus Missions when starting up GTAV by pressing a single button when prompted on the GTAV loading screens. The Versus Mission playlist will rotate every few days, with regular updates featured on our official Twitter & Instagram channels.
Related: GTA Online Introducing Rhino Hunt, New Bonuses & Incentives
I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.
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