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Dragon Age: Inquisition New Video Released

BioWare has released a new video for its fantasy RPG Dragon Age: Inquisition featuring the dramatic world of Thedas.

Here is how the developer describes Dragon Age: Inquisition:

Welcome to Dragon Age: Inquisition, where you will take on the mantle of Inquisitor and lead a team of heroes on a perilous journey through a living, multi-region open world. Discover the dramatic world of Thedas, from war-torn plains to jagged coasts, in this upcoming action RPG from BioWare, the creators of Mass Effect.

You can view the latest Dragon Age: Inquisition ‘Discover the Dragon Age’ video below:

You can also take a look at several Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshots that were released a short while ago.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will release in the Fall. What did you think of the video?

Source: Dragon Age YouTube

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