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Dragon Fin Soup Heading to PS4, PS3, & PS Vita

Developer Grimm Bros has announced that Dragon Fin Soup is heading to PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.

Here is how the developer describes Dragon Fin Soup,

Dragon Fin Soup is a classic console RPG style game in development by indie studio Grimm Bros which blends together Tactical Action & Rogue like elements set in a charming, twisted, dark, fairy tale inspired world.

Take a look at the Dragon Fin Soup Alpha trailer below:

Currently, Dragon Fin Soup is on Kickstarter and has almost met its goal of $24,000 (right now at $22,225) with 676 backers and 22 more days to go.

Dragon Fin Soup will be heading to PS4, PS3 and PS Vita sometime this year.

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Source: PlayStation Blog

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