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Dying Light Goes Into Hyper Mode on Black Friday, Community Bounty #5 Announced

Dying Light Goes Into Hyper Mode on Black Friday, Community Bounty #5 Announced

Wroclaw, PolandTechland announced the fifth Community Bounty for Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition to coincide with Black Friday.

This weekend (Nov 25 – 27, 2016, 12PM to 11PM PST) the developer will activate the HyperMode, which will greatly enhance players’ strength and improve their motor skills in the game. If the Dying Light community manage to collectively slaughter 5,000,000 zombies and bandits, all participants will be awarded the bounty skin pack, which includes 3 buggy paint jobs, 1 character outfit and 1 new gold tier weapon.

Here is the Dying Light Hyper Mode Comunity Bounty Video:

Fans can track the cumulative score live at The event is open for all PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users and only participating players will be eligible for the rewards.

Additionally, the Steam and the XboxOne (digital) version of Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition is now up to 50% off. Visit for more sales details.

Related: Dying Light Halloween Zombiefest Event Announced, New Community Bounty

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