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E.Y.E: Blood Games, Team Artifact Trailer

Streum On Studio has released an expansion and new update for E.Y.E: Blood Games.

The following is the Team Artifact description:

At the beginning of the game, choose your team and character class.

Team competition – In this mode, Jians confront Culters for the artifact control. To do that you need to: Take the artifact and carry it to the enemy area.

If the artifact is in the enemy area, the round ends. A new one will start and players will return to their initial positions.

Each team starts with an amount of resurrectors  You win the round when the other team runs out of resurrectors 

There are several ways to do this:

  • Carrying the artifact to the enemy area
  • Killing an enemy
  • Hacking special interfaces

You can view the trailer below:

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