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E3 2014 Pokemon Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby Trailer

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby for 3DS was featured today during the Nintendo Digital Event at E3 2014.

The two Pokemon are, in fact, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre and as Nintendo states,

“These two extremely powerful Pokémon clashed in an epic battle that once sent Groudon into a long slumber within the magma beneath the planet’s crust and drove Kyogre into a deep sleep at the bottom of the ocean floor. The awesome transformation is a result of Primal Reversion.”

Here are some details about them,

  • Primal Groudon is brimming with energy, which pours from its body as magma. The magma burns at such an extreme temperature that its body is always shimmering ruby red from the haze of its heat, giving off light in the darkness. Through Primal Reversion, Primal Groudon becomes much larger and adds Fire type to its Ground type, raising the power of Fire-type moves it can learn. Primal Reversion greatly boosts Primal Groudon’s Attack. Its Ability may get a boost during this epic transformation, too.
  • Primal Kyogre, a Water-type Pokémon, is awash with energy that spills from its body as seawater. Its blue skin shines like a sapphire and is half-translucent like the sea. Primal Reversion greatly boosts Primal Kyogre’s Special Attack. Its Ability also seems to get a boost, although this information cannot yet be confirmed. Primal Kyogre is massive, growing to be more than twice Kyogre’s size.

Take a look at some new screenshots for the game:

Take a look at the new E3 trailer below:

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby will release November 28 for 3DS.

Source: Nintendo E3 2014 Digital Event 

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