Gaming Cypher

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E3 2018: Black Future 88’ Impressions

Developer SUPERSCARYSNAKES and publisher Good Shephard Entertainment brought us a retro looking game called Black Future 88’. We visited the booth at E3 2018, and tested the game ourselves. The art work looks really good and the controls felt really different. We played as 2-player co-op. Black Future 88’ has the retro look of cyberpunk action and story of the game is set in 1988. But the game is to be completed only in 18 minutes. And you have to go through the player upgrades and there are a good bit of guns to swap from. We did enjoy the game and really optimistic. A game definitely for someone who wants a quick game.

For more information, just head on over to the official website.

A gamer turned into a game developer. A huge batman fan and follower of Arkham Series, generally I like to play mostly Action and RPG genre of Games. Into the Abyss!!! PSN: AbyssRyder