Gaming Cypher

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E3 2018: JUMP FORCE Impressions

Jump Force, another big reveal of E3 this year. As soon we saw our favorite anime character in 3D graphics using the Unreal engine, it was another game in the wishlist to be played. At the Bandai Namco booth, we were able to get our hands on the Jump Force demo, and we tried a few characters to play with. Another fighting game but integrating all the characters from most famous anime gave us a hype. We played with Naruto, Luffy and Zoro and the graphics and particle effect was just so beautiful. The game is 3vs3 match. For now, we didn’t have many options to play with as it was just a demo, but it was so overwhelming that I cannot describe the feeling in words. This is one of the games I am personally looking forward to!

You can find out more information about Jump Force on the official website.

A gamer turned into a game developer. A huge batman fan and follower of Arkham Series, generally I like to play mostly Action and RPG genre of Games. Into the Abyss!!! PSN: AbyssRyder