Gaming Cypher

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E3 2018: SEMBLANCE Impressions

We visited Semblance over at E3, and this one looked a bit unique game to us. Semblance pretty much looks like a straightforward platformer game, but when we played it, we were amazed by how much you can do in the game. The whole world is pretty much made of playdough, even the player as well. And our player has pretty much enough power to change the world around to solve the puzzles and get through the level. We even had a discussion with the developer and the designer of the game regarding the game’s future. The developer Nyamakop, designer Ben Myers, and Publisher Good Shephard Entertainment are bringing the game to Steam and Nintendo Switch.

You can find out more information on the official Semblance Website as well as wishlist the game on Steam.

A gamer turned into a game developer. A huge batman fan and follower of Arkham Series, generally I like to play mostly Action and RPG genre of Games. Into the Abyss!!! PSN: AbyssRyder