Gaming Cypher

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E3 2019: CastleStorm II Impressions

During E3 2019, we sat down with Zen Studios and went through the Castle Storm II demo. Castle Storm first came out in 2013, so this will be about nine years later that the second game was announced.

CastleStorm II is a strategic game that features different maps. In each map we start with a base and then move on to achieve the objectives or explore the areas and then clear up the tiles. Tiles are all in hexagonal shapes. Some tiles contain enemies so once the player encounters them, the battle stage shows up where you are supposed to summon the army based of warriors, magicians, etc. Each objective has different requirements either from battle, cleaning up tiles, or recruiting someone. There are castle sieges that can be achieved as well. Castles can be taken down and the damage we saw was an amazing display of physics-based destruction.

The players can build castles and grow their empire. There are some amazing fantasy characters, including sorceresses, zombies, and knights. There are a lot of different progression options available based on the player’s hero type. Castle Storm II is powered by Unreal Engine 4 and looks like an incredible game with some funny animation sequences.

Castle Storm II will be released for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC this year.

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