Gaming Cypher

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Evil West Releases Accolades Trailer

Focus Entertainment and Flying Wild Hog are delighted to share an Accolades Trailer to celebrate the very warm welcome their new game Evil West has been receiving. Following its launch two weeks ago, the new third-person action adventure set in a Wild West devoured by darkness has fittingly earned its spurns! (Check out our PS5 review!)

Check out the Evil West Accolades Trailer:

Evil West Releases Accolades Trailer

Highlighting the action in satisfaction

Evil West has been garnering plentiful favorable reviews, reflecting the game’s wickedly satisfying, gory combat action; the bold and effective mix of genres behind its twisted, never-before-seen fantasy version of the Old West; and the blast it all provides as an old-school, over-the-top experience.

Focus Entertainment and Flying Wild Hog are touched by so many warm words and thanking everyone for their reviews of the game so far. They cannot wait to hear more from both the press and the players, as they battle bloodthirsty monsters through the Wild West.

Evil West is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC. Grab your physical copy from the Focus Entertainment Store for exclusive reversible cover art.

Related: Evil West Review for PlayStation 5

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