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Explodemon Now Available on Steam

Developer Curve Studios has released action adventure title, Explodemon on Steam.

Explodemon combines the retro style of 16-bit platform games and Japanese action titles with the upgradable skills, hidden collectables and clever puzzles from more modern titles. Players use Explodemon’s self-destructive nature to combat enemies and fly through the air, all the while solving a huge variety of physics-based puzzles.

With twelve huge levels, full keyboard and controller support, upgradable skills and a full set of achievements and collectables to discover, Explodemon captures the essence and nostalgic feel instantly recognisable from SNES-era platformers with the depth and variety of more recent indie platform titles.


• Explore 12 gigantic levels of intense platforming action set across three diverse worlds
• Adapt to a constantly changing gameplay experience with new skills and hazards aplenty!
• Evolve Explodemon into your own personal destruction machine with upgradable skills
• Countless collectables and 20 achievements add a modern depth to the retro style
• Enjoy a comic story told with suitable aplomb and panache!
• Full controller support

You can view the Explodemon debut trailer below:

You can now download Explodemon for $7.19 (20% off until April 1) on Steam.

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Source: Steam

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