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FIFA 14 Will Not Be Powered by Ignite Engine for PC


EA Sports Executive VP, Andrew Wilson, talked about FIFA 14 heading to PC later this year, but it will not be powered by the developer’s next-gen Ignite Engine.

Wilson said, “Even though there were some PCs on the marketplace that could run that engine, the lion’s share of PCs on the marketplace could not. The majority of the gamer base that was playing the game on PC did not have a PC spec that would work with that.”

He then added about the future possibility of utilizing the Ignite Engine for the PC version of the game, “So could I see the potential for EA Sports Ignite to make it to PC in the future? Yes, I think it’s possible, but a couple of things need to happen.”

He then explained that in order for it to happen, EA Sports would need to see the average spec of FIFA PC players increase across the board.

In case you missed it, you can check out the FIFA 14 new gameplay trailer.

Are you in agreement with what Wilson says?


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