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Fighting Fantasy: Island of the Lizard King Now Available for iOS

Following a recent Android launch by Aussie indie Tin Man Games, the Fighting Fantasy: Island of the Lizard King will become available for iOS today.

The author and franchise founder, Ian Livingstone, said:

“It’s been a pleasure to work with Tin Man Games on this project. They have succeeded brilliantly in capturing the essence of Fighting Fantasy, re-imagining Island of the Lizard King for digital audiences. The new features are great, auto-mapping in particular, and readers will need all the help they can get to deal with the Gongchong and Lizard Men who are looking forward to welcoming hapless victims to their island.”

You can view the Island of the Lizard King screenshots below:

You can purchase Fighting Fantasy: Island of the Lizard King from iTunes, Google Play and Amazon Appstore for Android for $8.29/£4/€5.50.

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