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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD New The World At War Video

Square Enix has released a new video for Final Fantasy Type-0 HD .

Take a look at the new The World At War video below, featuring the battle for Orience – A turbulent war of nations threatens to tear the land apart. Fuelled with propaganda, this show of power from the Militesi ruling incumbent, Marshal Cid, attempts to justify the Empire’s actions and discredit Class Zero, Rubrum and the other states.

Pre-order to secure the FINAL FANTASY XV playable demo available exclusively with FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD while supplies last.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD releases March 17, 2015 in North America and March 20, 2015 in Europe on PS4 & Xbox One. The game will includes a code for the Final Fantasy XV demo.

Related: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Extended US Commercial

Source: SquareEnixUK

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