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FURIOUS SEAS Preview for Steam VR

FURIOUS SEAS Preview for Steam VR

Furious Seas by Future Immersive is a wave-based pirate ship combat game with basic controls. It plays like an arcade game but in virtual reality. You maneuver your way around enemy ships and blast them using your side cannons. There is minimal attempt at the storyline, but that is not a drawing point of the game at all. Where this game really excels is the combat and the feeling of having control over a pirate ship at battle. The enemy AI was not terrible and actually succeeded in sinking my ship a few times while on normal difficulty. I really enjoyed speeding up to catch an enemy ship, swinging to the right incredibly fast, then slowing down to get a few shots off before adjusting the ships course once more. Physically having to spin the wheel and then spinning around and firing on each side of myself was really an amazing moment for me in this game.

FURIOUS SEAS Preview for Steam VR

This game has a lot of promise for the future because adding new locations, new enemies, or even new ship mechanics would add a lot to this game. What I appreciated in this game is that they did not try to do too much with it. Every level follows a similar pattern. The first wave is relatively easy and about four or five ships to destroy, the second wave are the “guards” and are smarter AI and can do some serious damage to your ship, and the last wave is the boss. Sadly, in this alpha stage of the game, there are only two bosses to fight, but they give you a teaser of the next one (a giant pirate ship with at least 10 cannons) and it looks tough.

FURIOUS SEAS Preview for Steam VR

The bottom line is that this game is fun. The controls are not difficult to get the hang of and being in complete control of the ship was a blast. However, the price tag is definitely too high for what is offered at this stage in the game. Twenty dollars for two complete levels and a level teaser is really a high asking price in my opinion. Granted there are different levels of difficulty which do change the gameplay, but still that is rather steep. However, in these brief levels I really got a great experience out of this game. I was fully immersed in this pirate battle simulator even if the voice acting and storyline did not make any sense. For some reason, the character you play as really hates when pirates sing at him, which is funny but I don’t know if it was supposed to be serious. The story is really just extra to the gameplay and is not really needed. Basically, you are hunting down pirates in search for some treasure from each of them.

FURIOUS SEAS Preview for Steam VR

This game really needs to add more to it in order to be worth the money, but they do say that they are planning to add more levels (since it’s in Early Access). I am perfectly okay with this being a single player game only as long as more is added. However, the idea of adding multiplayer would be really exciting because it would provide endless replayability. Overall, Furious Seas is a solid pirate ship shooter game. It has really stable gameplay with good enough graphics to not destroy your computer. The enemies are challenging enough to keep you interested and there is promise of more to come. If more levels and enemies are introduced into this game in the future, then it will be well worth its price tag.

Check Out the Furious Seas Steam Early Access Launch Trailer:

Furious Seas is available for PC via Steam Early Access. The game requires a virtual reality headset.

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