Gaming Cypher

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gamescom Ticket Shop Breaks All Records

gamescom Ticket Shop Breaks All Records

The sweet anticipation for the world’s largest event for computers and video games is unabated: The online Ticket Shop of gamescom opened Wednesday, March 8, 2017, and more than 42,000 tickets had been sold after just 24 hours!

So, in accordance with the huge demand for gamescom tickets, anyone who definitely wants to take part in the world’s largest event for computers and video games, open for everyone on Wednesday, August 23 to Saturday, August 26, 2017 (NEW DAY SEQUENCE), should secure his day ticket in good time. As in past years, the following generally applies: private visitor day tickets for gamescom are available for advance sale only as long as supplies last. In 2016, all of the day tickets for the public days were sold out in the advance sales three weeks before the event began.

Click here for the gamescom Ticket Shop

Related: gamescom Ticket Shop Now Open

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