Gaming Cypher

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Grand Theft Auto 5 – Crashes Some Older Xbox 360 Models


Some players using older Xbox 360 models have complained that Grand Theft Auto 5 causes their consoles to crash.

Below are some forum complaints:

“20 gig 360 here. Having random freezing happening as well,” says one user. “I’ve tried everything as far as installing with no success. Obviously the game is unplayable like this. Having a friend lend me a xbox, but this is ridiculous…”

“I’ve probably reinstalled the game about 10 times now,” said another user. “I’m thinking it might be my 20GB HDD? After I installed the game I probably [have] a couple hundred MB left. Could it possibly be a problem that I don’t have enough excess memory after the install?”

Below is an Xbox Support recommendation on how to deal with the problem:

1. Delete all GTAV game data.

2. Clear system cache three times.

3. Delete marketplace data from storage system items.

4. Unplug console for three minutes.

5. Install disc 1.

6. Power off, do not insert disc 2.

7. Restart.

8. Install disc 2.

9. Play.

In case you have missed it, you have to check out the hilarious GTA 5 Conan O’Brien review video.
Have you experienced any game play issues?

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