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GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

Grave Danger is a game by JB Gaming. In the world of Grave Danger, you play through a 2D world where you face puzzles and enemies all along the way.


Grave Danger is a puzzle solving game. As you are making your way through this world you uncover a diabolical plot.

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

If you choose to take it upon yourself to stop this evil plan, you have to decide whether you want to play solo or CO-OP.


There are three characters in the game that you can play with: Elliot, Dante, and Malice. If you play this game solo you will have to switch between all three characters.

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

If you are able to play with a friend then you and your friend can share the load of controlling the characters.

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

In this world, it will take creative thinking in order to solve each puzzle. Often it will make the use of all three characters at the same time necessary in order to solve a puzzle.

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

The use of each character is valid, each person has their own ability. Malice has the ability to hover, Dante can climb walls, and Elliot can double jump. For the most part, the fighting in this game is fairly basic, lots of dodging and shooting. The most demanding part of the game is working out each puzzle. Often you have to work out the timing of a puzzle in order to move forward.

As you progress through the game the challenges evolve and become more difficult to pass.

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4


Grave Danger is a fun game with a good concept. Who doesn’t love a good puzzle? The only issue that the game has is that it lasts a bit too long with repeating the same kind of puzzles. As you travel between worlds and are given new puzzles you often find that the puzzles you are solving is one you have solved before. And all that has changed  is that the puzzle has gotten a makeover from medieval to the future and then to even candy.

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

All these changes just for it to appear  as if you have been given new puzzles. Overall it’s a good game, but a bit repetitive. If you would like to give this game a try, make sure you have a lot of free time and patience. Because if you are not patient with this game, then you will often find yourself dead.  

GRAVE DANGER Review for PlayStation 4

6.5/10 Rating

Here is the Grave Danger Trailer:

Grave Danger is available for PC via Steam, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4.

About The Author

PlayStation 4 Review
  • 6.5/10
    Overall Score - 6.5/10
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